Patterns and Practices

In some ways, STM may seem instantly familiar to people who are used to the properties of transactions from database worlds: the atomic, consistent and isolated properties are exactly the same, and the only difference is the lack of the durable property as the AtomizeJS server does not write anything to disk (though you could easily imagine a future version which does).

In other ways, STM is quite different from normal database transactions: database transactions have nothing like the retry or orElse operations. Instead, well featured relational databases tend to add trigger features so that upon changes to rows or tables, user functions can be automatically invoked. Both approaches allow an observer-pattern or event-driven callbacks to be created, though the STM approach is simpler and more intuitive.


By using retry, you can build neat proxy objects. This also gets around the current limitation of lift whereby lifting an object with a custom constructor and prototype will lose the prototype when the object arrives at other clients. For example, consider a Player which has an x and y coordinate and a name:

function Player(name, x, y) {
    this.raw = atomize.lift({name: name});
    this.setPos(x, y);;

Player.prototype = {
    setPos: function (x, y) {
        var self = this;
        atomize.atomically(function () {
            self.raw.x = x;
            self.raw.y = y;

    watch: function () {
        var self, watcher;
        self = this;
        watcher = function (pos) {
            atomize.atomically(function () {
                if (pos.x === self.raw.x && pos.y === self.raw.y) {
                } else {
                    return {x: self.raw.x, y: self.raw.y}
            }, function (pos) {
                self.x = pos.x;
                self.y = pos.y;
        watcher({x: this.x, y: this.y});

There is a fair amount of boiler-plate here, and it should be clear how this can be abstracted out to a general proxy mechanism, but as a simple example it demonstrates the following:

  • We rely on the the watcher to observe any change in the underlying raw object that is managed by AtomizeJS.
  • When we want to set the position, we just perform a transaction that modifies the raw object and allow the watcher to be notified and propagate the change back to the proxy object.
  • It's always safe to read the x and y fields of the proxy object: as they're only updated by the watcher they will only ever see values that have been fully committed by other transactions.
  • The watcher never finishes.

Possibly one surprising aspect of this design though is that setPos is non-blocking. This can mean that if you perform:

var player = new Player("Fred", 45, 12);
player.setPos(46, 12);
player.setPos(46, 13);

then the two transactions you've issued can commit in either order! To avoid that there are two choices: either you just ignore any calls to setPos whilst a transaction is in-flight:

    setPos: function (x, y) {
        if (this.blocked) {
        this.blocked = true;
        var self = this;
        atomize.atomically(function () {
            self.raw.x = x;
            self.raw.y = y;
        }, function () {
            delete self.blocked;

Or, you convert the whole mechanism to a continuation-passing style:

    setPos: function (x, y, cont) {
        var self = this;
        atomize.atomically(function () {
            self.raw.x = x;
            self.raw.y = y;
        }, cont);

but then you'll have to do things like:

var player = new Player("Fred", 45, 12);
player.setPos(46, 12,
    function () {
        player.setPos(46, 13, function () {});

and in fact, you'll note the Player constructor calls setPos, so that will likely want a continuation too.

The former approach is much simpler, but will work only when you can afford to lose updates: for example when you have a regular tick coming from a timer that will reissue the same or similar setPos call a little later on, hopefully after the transaction commits.

Sharing deep data-structures

As explained in the background page, the statement a.b.c.d = e.f; creates a read-set of a, a.b and e, and a write set of c. If you created a transaction which inspected a and then chose to retry, then it would not be restarted by this assignment because a has not been changed.

So if you consider a deep data-structure such as a binary tree, then it's clear that just retry-ing after inspecting the root of the binary tree will not allow you to be informed of all changes to the tree. There are two choices: either inspect every node of the tree, and retry only after reading every single node, which would be very expensive if the tree is deep, or create some other simpler mechanism which ensures that every change does cause a retried transaction to restart.

One simple way of doing this is to have an eventCount. Assume that we have the functions tree_new, tree_search, tree_insert, tree_remove and tree_deep_clone. We could then wrap them:

function Tree (raw) {
    if (raw === undefined) {
        this.raw = atomize.lift({eventCount: 1, tree: tree_new()});
    } else {
        this.raw = raw;
    this.copy = tree_new();;

Tree.prototype = {
    insert: function (key, val) {
        var self = this;
        atomize.atomically(function () {
            self.raw.eventCount += 1;
            self.raw.tree = tree_insert(self.raw.tree, key, val);

    remove: function (key) {
        var self = this;
        atomize.atomically(function () {
            self.raw.eventCount += 1;
            self.raw.tree = tree_remove(self.raw.tree, key);

    search: function (key) {
        return tree_search(this.copy, key);

    watch: function () {
        var self, watcher;
        self = this;
        watcher = function (eventCount) {
            atomize.atomically(function () {
                if (eventCount === self.raw.eventCount) {
                } else {
                    return {eventCount: self.raw.eventCount,
                            tree: tree_deep_clone(self.raw.tree)};
            }, function (copy) {
                self.copy = copy.tree;

Again, we build a proxy type object which is constantly being update from the raw tree object in AtomizeJS. But by ensuring that every mutating operation also changes the eventCount field, it becomes trivial to ensure that we get notified whenever the tree is changed.

Nested transactions

AtomizeJS supports nested transactions. When an inner transaction commits, all that happens is that its read and write sets get copied into its parent's transaction log. For example:

function foo () {
    atomize.atomically(function () {
        atomize.root.pos = atomize.lift({x: 5, y: 6});
        atomize.root.text = "hello";
        atomize.root.text = "goodbye";
        return atomize.root.text;
    }, function (text) {
        console.log("foo continuation:" + text);

function bar () {
    atomize.atomically(function () {
        if (atomize.root.pos.y % 2 === 0) {
            atomize.root.pos.y + 1;
        atomize.root.pos.x + 1;
        return atomize.root.text;
    }, function (text) {
        console.log("bar continuation: " + text);

As usual, the bar continuation gets run after the bar transaction commits. But when the bar transaction commits, you're still in the foo transaction. Thus the bar continuation gets run inside the foo transaction. In this case, at the point of the bar continuation running, the value of text will be "hello". If the foo transaction has to be restarted then the bar transaction will also be restarted, which can lead to the bar continuation running multiple times.

To detect this scenario, there is the inTransaction API call which is always safe to call, and will let you detect, for example when in a continuation, whether or not you are still in a transaction.

One way to ensure that a provided continuation is only ever run once you're outside a transaction would be:

function foo (cont) {
    atomize.atomically(function () {
        atomize.root.pos = atomize.lift({x: 5, y: 6});
        atomize.root.text = "hello";
        atomize.root.text = "goodbye";
        return atomize.root.text;
    }, maybeCont(cont));

function bar (cont) {
    atomize.atomically(function () {
        if (atomize.root.pos.y % 2 === 0) {
            atomize.root.pos.y + 1;
        atomize.root.pos.x + 1;
        return atomize.root.text;
    }, maybeCont(cont));

function maybeCont(cont) {
    return function (result) {
        if (atomize.inTransaction()) {
            return cont(result);
        } else {
            return result;

Thus now, regardless of how bar is invoked (i.e. whether directly or whether from foo), the continuation will only be invoked once outside of all transactions.

It's also worth watching out for nested transactions where the inner transaction calls retry: this will block the parent transaction too. For example:

function foo () {
    atomize.atomically(function () {
        atomize.root.pos = atomize.lift({x: 5, y: 6});
        atomize.root.text = "hello";
        atomize.root.text = "goodbye";
        return atomize.root.text;
    }, function (text) {
        console.log("foo continuation:" + text);

function bar () {
    atomize.atomically(function () {
        if (atomize.root.pos.y % 2 === 0) {
        atomize.root.pos.x + 1;
        return atomize.root.text;
    }, function (text) {
        console.log("bar continuation: " + text);

Here, if pos.y is even, then the whole transaction suspends, waiting for someone else to modify pos.y, before either continuation is run, or text gets set to "goodbye". Given our previous proxy objects which started up the watcher from within the constructor, if such an object were to be created from within another transaction, you'd find the parent transaction blocks as the child transaction in the new object has hit the retry.

In the future, we may be able to add other mechanisms which help to manage these scenarios.